Tuesday, September 15, 2015

ASP.NET Web Developer’s Guide Ebook Download

Since 1996, ASP programmers have faced one upgrade after another, often with no
extremely visible advantages until version 3.x—it’s been quite a wild ride. Now we
have the first significant improvement in ASP programming within our grasp—
ASP.NET.Our reliance on a watered-down version of Visual Basic has been alleviated
now that ASP.NET pages may be programmed in both Microsoft’s new and
more powerful version of Visual Basic or the latest version of C++: C#, which is
more Web friendly.ASP.NET allows programmers and developers to work with both
VB.NET and C# within the same ASP.NET page. .NET itself is a milestone for
Microsoft; it marks Microsoft’s entry into the “run once, run everywhere” compiler
market alongside Java and Ruby. .NET is also notable for its extreme flexibility;
unlike the other choices available, .NET allows the programmer to use any number
of .NET-compliant languages to create its code (however, as of this writing, only
VB.NET and C# are allowed for ASP.NET) and have it run anywhere through the
robust .NET Framework.Visual Basic and C++ have undergone changes as well;
Visual Basic was already somewhat Web-oriented through its sibling,Visual Basic
Script (VBS).
Since VBS was not visually orientated, like Visual Basic, this meant that a lot of
the prewritten code employed by Visual Basic did not create performance issues.This
did mean, however, that VBS was not graced with an IDE to debug or troubleshoot
with, making the server logs and the browser error messages a programmer’s only
hope of figuring out what went wrong and where.The lack of an IDE led to several
complications and eventually programmers had to create their own error-handling
system, usually consisting of a log file and e-mail notification.

ASP.NET Web Developer’s Guide Ebook  Here DOWNLOAD

Computer Knowledge

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