Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How to Reset Forgotten Syskey Password

In the event of losing a syskey password, you can restore your computer back to an earlier point without syskey enabled. If there is no any restore point on the machine, the last resort is to try this freeware Offline NT Password & Registry Editor or use HBCD which can help you reset lost syskey startup password on Windows XP.

Note: This software is without any warranty. Please take at your own risk. It will not work on Windows 8, 7, Vista, or any higher version than Window XP. (Using it on Vista or windows 7 will cause a continuous reboot loop.)

How to Reset Forgotten Syskey Password?
  1. Download the CD image of Offline NT Password & Registry Editor Or HBCD from its official website and burn it to a blank CD.
  2. Boot your affected computer from the CD that you created. You may have to go into the BIOS settings to change the boot order to set CD/DVD as the first boot device.
  3. Choose the Offline NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 Password Changer and press Enter.(Only HBCD).
  4. The boot CD will take you to the command prompt.
  5. The first thing you need to do is select your system partition.
  6. Next press Enter to confirm that your registry directory is WINDOWS/system32/config.
  7. With the system partition selected, the utility then prompts you to specify the registry directory to edit. The default is fine, so hit Enter.
  8. Next you can choose whether to use password reset or some other thing, so just hit Enter for password reset. 
  9. Next you’ll be prompted whether you want to edit user passwords or change syskey. 
  10. Press 1 ( To reset the Password ) and than Enter
  11. You want to reset syskey startup password, so type 2 and hit Enter.
  12. Type y and press Enter to confirm the syskey disable.
  13. Once it’s done, type q to quit and hit Enter again.
  14. Type y to save your changes to disk. 
  15. At this point you can reboot your computer.


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