Wednesday, September 16, 2015

PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies


Book I: Getting Started with PHP & MySQL.

Chapter 1: Understanding the Languages of the Web.
Chapter 2: Installing a Web Server.
Chapter 3: Installing PHP.
Chapter 4: Setting Up MySQL.
Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Web Development Environment with the XAMPP Package.

Book II: HTML and CSS.

Chapter 1: Creating a Basic Page with HTML.
Chapter 2: Adding Style with CSS.
Chapter 3: Creating and Styling Web Forms.

Book III: JavaScript.

Chapter 1: Understanding JavaScript Basics.
Chapter 2: Building a JavaScript Program.
Chapter 3: Adding jQuery.
Chapter 4: Reacting to Events with JavaScript and jQuery.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting JavaScript Programs.

Book IV: PHP.

Chapter 1: Understanding PHP Basics.
Chapter 2: Building PHP Scripts
Chapter 3: PHP and Your Operating System.
Chapter 4: Object-Oriented Programming.
Chapter 5: Considering PHP Security.
Chapter 6: Tracking Visitors with Sessions.

Book V: MySQL.

Chapter 1: Introducing MySQL.
Chapter 2: Administering MySQL.
Chapter 3: Designing and Building a Database.
Chapter 4: Using the Database.
Chapter 5: Communicating with the Database from PHP Scripts.

Book VI: Web Applications

Chapter 1: Improving Your PHP Programs.
Chapter 2: Creating and Using a Web Service.
Chapter 3: Validating Web Forms with JavaScript and PHP.
Chapter 4: Building a Members-Only Website.

Book VII: PHP and Templates.

Chapter 1: Configuring PHP.
Chapter 2: Building a Templating System.

PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies.

Computer Knowledge

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